Rockport approves sauna venture for Marine Park | PenBay Pilot

2022-09-09 19:51:00 By : Malik Zhu

ROCKPORT — They were quizzical at the prospect of a portable sauna at Rockport Harbor, but by the end of the conversation, the Rockport Select Board members all endorsed a plan by a Lincolnville couple to proceed with the venture.

“We’ve done food trucks and that’s a pretty simple thing, but we’ve never done saunas for a peddler’s permit, so this is a first for us,” said Town Manager Jon Duke. “It’s 2022, and things are happening here in Rockport, Maine.”

Beth and Josh Goodman, of Lincolnville, requested a peddler’s permit for Native Sauna, their business. Goodman builds saunas and offers portable sauna rentals.

Speaking before the Rockport Select Board at its regularly scheduled Sept. 6 meeting, the Goodmans described the proposed operation. That involves parking the sauna on the weekends under a shade tree near the André the Seal statue.

There, people could rent a seat in the sauna, for $50 for approximately an hour, or gather a group together and rent the entire sauna.

“It gives the community more access to this amazing thing that he [Josh] has built,” said Beth Goodman. 

She cited its connection to the community’s general focus on health and wellness.

“People like the idea and are supportive,” she said.

The sauna also got a memo of support from Harbor Master Abbie Leonard.

Board member Denise Munger questioned health protocols and state law. Are there health codes to follow, she asked.

“When I think of saunas I think of bathing,” Munger said.

Board chair Michelle Hannan agreed that the Goodmans should inquire with the state concerning health protocols. 

Beth Goodman referenced the sauna guide, which incorporates health and safety precautions, but said she would check with the state.

Board member Jim Annis asked whether the sauna would require water hook-up. 

Beth Goodman said that the sauna has a shower on the back, but in the event of no water supply, users could use the plunge pool.

“Or jump in the ocean,” agreed select board members.

The sauna is heated by propane, said Josh Goodman. It also has large windows to look out over Rockport Harbor.

Board member Mark Kelley made a motion to approve the venture, granting a permit through  Oct. 31, to see how it goes.

“I hope it works, said Kelley. “It certainly is different. I hope it works.”

Reach Editorial Director Lynda Clancy at; 207-706-6657

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